🫶Koha - Charity donations & tax receipts for Shopify stores

Accept donations and send tax receipts with your Shopify store

Accept donations

Create donation "products" in various denominations, or set a percentage amount on specific products to be donated.

Send tax receipts

Use Liquid to create email and PDF templates for tax receipts to be sent to your customers when the make a donation.

Generate reports

Generate Excel reports of your donations for a range of dates.

Designed for users of Kevin's Tax Receipts App

If you're currently using Kevin's Tax Receipts App on Shopify, you'll find it easy to migrate to Koha. We've worked closely with Kevin to make sure that Koha is an easy to use replacement for his app.

Available now on the Shopify App Store


How can I migrate my settings?

Koha is designed to work in a similar way to Kevin's Tax Receipts App.  You can migrate your templates across by copying and pasting the Liquid templates into our new enhanced editor.

Why isn't this free, like Kevin's Tax Receipts App was?

We need to pay for hosting the app, generating the attachments, and sending the emails.  We also have lots of great ideas to keep making the app better, and we need to cover the costs of development.  We're sure you'll think it's worth it once you start using it!

Available now on the Shopify App Store